Entries by ADMIN

Budget 2021: What It Means to You

It was with a sense of trepidation that South Africans awaited the 2021 Budget Speech by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni. Still confronted with all the challenges that existed before COVID-19 – massive debt, lacklustre growth, unemployment, the public service wage bill and rampant corruption – Treasury also faced the seemingly insurmountable challenge of funding the […]

Five Mistakes to Avoid When Investing Offshore

It can be tempting to look at South Africa and the bad news that seems to hit us like freight trains one after another, and immediately consider moving all your money offshore. There is however far more to consider than simply your gut feel, and predictions of woe as investing offshore comes with a lot […]

Companies: How to Manage Your Greater Tax Risk in 2021

The extent of corporate taxes – from income tax, employment taxes and value added tax (VAT) to dividend taxes, capital gains taxes, transaction taxes and other indirect taxes – along with the operational aspects such as data and reporting systems and related technicalities, guarantee complexity and time-consuming processes for companies, which in turn increases compliance […]

The Way Forward: More Virtual Meetings?

Virtual meeting platforms have their pros and cons, but the standout advantages seem to be their cost effectiveness, time saving capabilities and their ability to host large numbers of attendees at very small cost. The options available to companies looking to use these platforms are vast. The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA)’s recommended […]

Leadership, Ethics and Governance: The Benefits for Your Business

The European (and South African) authorities (refer to governance codes below) opted for a principles-based approach. However, governance cannot be truly effective without the integrity of purpose and actions which drive the ‘tone from the top’ leading to a strong moral compass founded on ethically-based values. The governance imperative Corporate Governance has been a topic of ongoing […]

SMME Owners: Your Training and Education Will Boost Your Business

Most SMMEs (Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises) in South Africa fold in the first two years of doing business. Reports suggest that the lack of education and training are some of the primary reasons for the low level of entrepreneurial activities and the high failure rate of SMMEs. To add salt to the wound, the […]

Simple Communication Tips to Boost Your Profitability

Successful communication can be the difference between a profitable business and a failing one. Leaders who are unable to get across the needs of the company to their employees will very quickly close its doors. Likewise, people who are effectively able to communicate the things they need to be done will find their reward in […]

Leaving a Legacy: Ensure Your Business Survival with a Succession Plan

Succession planning is preparing for the future of your business, ensuring the people and resources are available for its ongoing success beyond the lifetime of the current key players. It is especially critical in small businesses where the loss of a key person can bring the business to a sudden halt. A formal succession plan […]

Your Tax Deadlines for November 2020

  6 November – Monthly PAYE submissions and payments 16 November – D-date for taxpayers filing online 25 November – VAT manual submissions and payments 27 November – Excise Duty payments 30 November – VAT electronic submissions and payments 30 November – Company Provisional Tax Payments where applicable.