How The Gig Economy Is Changing Traditional Businesses

“If you’re trying to create a company, it’s like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion” (Elon Musk)

The move to the gig economy has been in the works for years. Even before the pandemic people were leaving their jobs to “consult independently” from small towns around the big cities. Younger generations with in-demand skills found themselves capable of earning more money, and having more flexibility, while working at home, and this situation was only exacerbated by the huge retrenchments and wage cuts demanded by the pandemic.

Now, more than two years after the start of the Covid-19 crisis, gig workers and freelancers have become a common way of doing business. With greater control as to who they work for, and the ability to spread their time over multiple employers thereby lowering their risks regarding retrenchments or layoff, gig workers have more control than ever before when it comes to their day-to-day lives. The gig economy also allows its freelancers to work on new skills, while keeping up with the work necessary to pay the bills. There are, however, guaranteed downsides too. The gig economy is not as stable for those who work. Month-to-month employment is not guaranteed. Holidays are a rare commodity with client needs dictating time off rather than mental fatigue or family commitments.

Companies who hope to bring in the skills they need will have to be cognizant of both the positives and the negatives of freelance life in order to maximise the happiness of those they contract with, and so achieve the best delivery at the best prices for themselves.

Here are our tips for how the gig economy will impact businesses going forward and how best to weather the changes to benefit your brand –

  1. Is Corporate culture a dinosaur?With the Covid pandemic moving to endemic status many corporate managers are demanding their teams return to the office. The belief is that “Corporate Culture” is suffering and this will impact the quality of work done in the long term. Corporate culture is a term generally used to explain the sense of camaraderie and teamwork that employees are meant to feel toward their jobs. This sense of belonging and sense of loyalty toward the brand they work for has long been shown to impact the level of work employees are prepared to put into their positions and team leaders believe this is eroded by working from home, and non-existent in freelancers. This is however not necessarily so.

    A recent study here has shown that the sense of corporate culture and commitment to a brand’s long-term goals can in fact be felt by freelancers but cautions employers that they may have to change the way they have traditionally imposed this culture. In the traditional employment model commitment to a brand is driven in three ways:

    • Employees stay and work hard because they feel affection towards the company and enjoy working there
    • They fear the consequences of losing their work, and
    • Over time they also develop a sense of duty and obligation to the company that has looked after them.

    The study conducted by Stefan Süß and Markus Kleiner suggests that brand loyalty in freelancers is won only through “Affective commitment.”

    Affective commitment is that feeling of connection one feels to an organisation or group when they believe that their own personal goals and beliefs are aligned with those of the organisation or group and when they feel that they are an integral part of any team within that organisation. Freelancers tend to feel no obligation towards one employer and their fear of losing their job is significantly decreased by the presence of multiple employers.

  2. How can you inspire commitment in freelancers?Affective commitment has always been an important part of employee retention. For freelancers, however, affective commitment is the main reason they remain driven and invested in their work for that organisation. So how does a company inspire this kind of commitment?

    Open and clear communication: If an employee is to believe they are personally aligned with a business, the brand’s beliefs and messages must be strongly communicated. It must also be clear how the employee fits within these beliefs, what their role is and how they contribute, both now and in the future.

    With freelancers, companies should communicate openly, sharing its struggles and achievements. In order to feel concern for a team, the freelancer must feel trusted and part of the team.

    Make the job fun: Freelancers report greater attachment to brands when they enjoy their jobs and relationships. Allowing freelancers the opportunity to take on new challenges and roles within the company and expand their initial positions will give them the variety and mental stimulation they require.

    Inclusivity: Everyone wants to feel like they are liked and part of a team. Including the freelancers in activities just as you would your full-time employees gives them that sense of belonging and more importantly of being valued that is difficult to find in the freelancing environment.

    Demonstrate commitment: One of the largest downsides for freelancers is the feeling that their work is always temporary or that if you hit trouble, they will be the last in line to be paid. Thinking about how you can improve freelancer wellbeing will therefore go a long way to building trust and belief in your company. This goes well beyond always paying your freelancers on time. Your freelancers are working from home and often at all hours, so consider sending them a gift basket upon completion of a job, arranging a discount for good coffee with a local coffee shop or regular check-ins with management at which they are able to offer feedback and make themselves heard.

    Develop them: If you want to retain your freelancers long-term, then you need to think of their aspirations. Helping them to develop new skills and grow as people will benefit your brand in the long run in that it will position your company as being at the top of their list when it comes time to meeting deadlines and making space within their schedules.

  3. Agile HROne of the largest benefits for companies in the gig economy is that it gives them more flexibility to respond to changing situations. Companies can now scale their workforces up and down as needed to respond to new business opportunities or challenges and can also quickly assemble new teams for a single project or move people between teams to cope with staff shortages or leave. Why spend millions on recruitment when you aren’t even sure the new project is going to last longer than a year?

    Your HR team, therefore, needs to be trained and upskilled to take the gig economy into account when considering the employment needs of the company. They should be working directly with your accountant on a project-by-project basis to determine the most streamlined use of available resources. Your company can now work with freelancers from across the globe and those with the ultra-niche skills necessary to complete a particular task. Accordingly, HR needs to be up to the task of searching for talent wherever it may be, as well as things like international law regarding payments and tax.

    In fact, your HR team may be about to become even more valuable than they have ever been in the past. Whereas once they were managing a limited team of employees, they may now be required to deal with hundreds of different people working in dozens of different locations, while keeping everyone happy, delivering proper communication and ensuring many different payment styles and preferences are adhered to and regulations complied with.

  4. Empower flexibilityFreelancers and workers who generally work from home do so because it gives them more flexibility with their workdays. Dads are able to nip out to pick up their kids from school, and the plumber’s visit doesn’t have to be scheduled for a weekend. Employers, therefore, need to consider these benefits and lean into them. For example, it doesn’t make sense having dedicated office space for everyone when 80% of the time those people are working at home.

    This, together with the fact that your teams will be adjusting in size and purpose a lot more in future, makes creating agile workspaces critical. Building workspaces within your own office where multiple flexible workers can use the same general space will allow them to check in, grab a coffee, have meetings and fill a few work hours without hampering their desire to work where and how they like. There should be a variety of conference rooms to accommodate teams of various sizes and excellent connectivity throughout. Teams should be able to meet around a whiteboard while patching in workers from other countries on screen, or alternatively find small, comfortable corners to share a coffee.

    As an added bonus, this flexibility will also save your company a huge amount in rental for dedicated workspace and equipment and allow freelancers to come in and meet the people they are working with in a way that strengthens team cohesion and doesn’t interrupt the full-time employee’s days.

    Employers should also consider the mobile nature of work outside the office. Your employee who has to pick up their kids in the afternoon, would almost certainly love to work for the hour while they wait for their child to do karate so make sure they have the means to do so. Empowering them to work on-the-go will allow them to deliver more work, more consistently and get their jobs done well, wherever they may be. A good laptop and mobile connection are now vastly more important than an office chair.

  5. It’s cheaperDone right, leaning into the gig economy can save costs that are far larger than simple office space. Recruitment is expensive and full-time employees come with issues like benefits, severance pay and even leave, whereas the freelancer is responsible for taking care of these issues themselves. If you really need someone to work over a specific period you can hire for availability rather than worry that an employee’s sickness will keep them from delivering at a critical time.

It is clear that, while the gig economy may provide some short-term disruption, the long-term benefits of working with freelancers can vastly exceed the challenges. Companies need to accept that life has changed, and the days when they employed 100% of their staff to clock in from 9-to-5 are long gone. And for many businesses it’s going to be for the best.

Your Tax Deadlines for September 2022

  • 7 September – Monthly PAYE submissions and payments
  • 23 September – VAT manual submissions and payments
  • 29 September – Excise Duty payments
  • 30 September – End of the 2nd Financial Quarter
  • 30 September – VAT electronic submissions and payments, PIT top-up & CIT Provisional payments.

Are You Ready for a COIDA Employer Site Visit and Audit?

“The main objective… is to provide compensation for disablement caused by occupational injuries or diseases sustained or contracted by employees, or for death resulting from injuries or diseases…” (Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act)

Most employers – and particularly smaller businesses and domestic employers – are not able to provide cost-effective medical or insurance cover for their employees, even though the vast majority would want their employees to be compensated if they are injured, become ill or die at or because of their work.

This is the objective of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act also known as COIDA: to ensure that anyone who is employed under a contract of service, whether full-time or on a casual basis, and receives wages or a salary, whether on a weekly or monthly basis, can claim compensation in terms of the Act and, where an employee is fatally injured, the dependents can claim compensation.

What are the benefits of registration?

Employers are obliged by the Act to register and to take out this insurance, because it provides a means to assist employees who are injured on duty or contract occupational diseases with medical costs and loss of earnings, and also protects against civil claims. The Compensation Fund is a no-fault system, which means there is no need to prove that an employer was at fault.

Employees who are injured on duty or contract occupational diseases are not left destitute and unable to work but have the means to cover the necessary medical expenses and rehabilitation costs, as well as to claim compensation for the loss of earnings. Where an employee is fatally injured at or due to work, the dependents will receive a pension. The compensation awarded does not form part of the deceased employee’s estate and can also not be attached to satisfy a debt.

COIDA prevents employees from suing their employers for occupational injury or disease, instead giving them this statutory insurance cover. So the Fund will still process claims from employees whose employers have not registered with it as required. But the Fund can then recover from the unregistered employer all the compensation it pays out, plus it won’t refund the employer for any medical costs the employer has paid. In other words, if you don’t register you risk having to pay out of your own pocket the full compensation claim, in addition to fines and penalties for non-registration. The total could be substantial, incorporating medical costs and compensation for loss of earnings, permanent disablement, death and even pension payments.

What is covered by COIDA?

The compensation is money paid by the Compensation Fund to employees who were injured on duty, to replace loss of wages and/or to pay medical expenses. The compensation is only paid if the employee is off work for three days or more but cover for medical expenses is not limited by this provision. The Fund does not cover pain and suffering.

Medical Expenses: Immediately after incurring an injury or disease on duty, employees can get medical attention from any medical practitioner of their choice in their area. Emergency treatment does not require pre-authorisation from the Compensation Fund. Medical expenses are paid by the Fund where it has accepted liability for the claim, covering reasonable costs incurred for the first 24 months. All reasonable medication related to the employee’s injury and prescribed by the treating doctor will also be covered.

Loss of earnings: If an employee is booked off from work for a serious injury, the employer is obliged to pay 75% of the employee’s earnings/wages (as at the time of the accident) during the time the employee is unfit for duty but limited to the first three months. This can be claimed back from the Compensation Fund. The salary/ wages of employees booked off work for more than three months must be claimed directly from the Compensation Fund.

Permanent disability: A permanent injury, such as deafness, blindness, amputation or permanent disablement, is assessed according to a percentage of disability specified in the Act. If a disability is assessed at 30% or less, an employee may qualify for a once-off lump sum payment for that injury. If the disability is assessed at more than 30%, the employee may receive a monthly pension for life, based on earnings at the time of the accident.

Death: If an employee dies as a result of the injury or disease, the dependents may receive a pension for life. All children will qualify up to age 18 years unless still at school or attending a tertiary institution.

Should you be registered with the Compensation Fund? 

All employers who employ one or more part-time, casual, temporary or full-time employees for the purpose of a business, farming or organisational activities must register with the Compensation Fund within seven (7) days after the first employee was employed.

Sole proprietors and partners, shareholders or “silent partners” who are only paid dividends or sharing profits, are not employees in terms of CIODA.

Following a Constitutional Court ruling that domestic workers should also have the right to access social security in terms of COIDA, all employers of domestic workers – including those employed before the ruling – must now register with and submit the necessary returns to the Compensation Fund. A “domestic worker”’ is defined as any employee who performs domestic work in the home of their employer, and includes gardeners, household drivers and care takers but not farm workers.

Employers must also notify the Compensation Commissioner within 7 days of any change in the particulars provided when registering.

What is required for compliance?

An employer is regarded to be in good standing when:

  • Registered with the Compensation Fund
  • Records of earnings and particulars of employees are up to date and ready to be produced upon request
  • Accidents are reported timeously
  • Annual Return of Earnings is submitted timeously
  • Assessments are paid up to date

For registration with the Compensation Fund, employers require Registration of Employer form (W.As.2); a copy of Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) documents; and a copy of the authorised director’s ID document. (Companies with no employees who need to register to meet the requirements on tender documents, can request an exemption letter and do not have to complete the registration process.)

Employers are also required to keep updated records of earnings and particulars of employees and must be able to produce these records on request.

Furthermore, an employer is mandated to report an injury on duty within 7 days of receiving notice or an occupational disease contracted on duty within 14 days as soon as receiving notice. Employers can register and use the online claims registration system called COMPEASY.

The next requirement is to submit Employer Return of Earnings (ROE) forms as per the Government Gazette. These can be filed via the free online Compensation Fund ROE Online System. A penalty of 10% on the final assessment will be imposed if the ROE is submitted after the due date.

Once ROEs are submitted, assessments are raised before the financial year end on the basis of a percentage of the annual earnings of the employees. The assessment tariffs are fixed according to the class of industry, are reviewed annually and are calculated based on the risk related to a particular type of work. Annual assessments are paid by registered employers and cannot be recovered from employees.

Payment must be made within 30 days and a penalty of 10% of the assessment is charged if the account is not settled after the due date. Interest at 15% of the balance is then charged every month until the account is settled.

Facing a site visit?

The Department of Labour has on previous occasions encouraged employers not to be threatened by site visits or inspections, but rather to regard these as opportunities to achieve compliance, knowing that follow-up site visits may be conducted to ensure any non-compliance has been addressed.

Indeed, if the requirements for compliance as set out above are met on an ongoing basis, a site visit should be a quick and painless process.

Facing an audit?

The Compensation Commissioner suggests submitting the following documents if an assessment is referred for audit.

  • Affidavit stating the reason for variance or credit assessment
  • Signed audited or independently reviewed annual financial statement for the year under review
  • Detailed payroll report for the assessment year under review
  • SARS EMP 501
  • UIF Registration number
  • Manual Return of Earnings (W.As.8)
  • Power of Attorney if your company is represented by an accountant or consultant.

If the required information is not received within by the date stated, an assessment based on estimation will be made.

Getting ready

While these COIDA requirements may seem straightforward, small businesses may simply not have the resources to ensure continuous compliance. Failure to comply with the prescripts of COIDA constitutes an offense in terms of the legislation.

Having been pre-warned to expect site visits and audits by representatives of the Compensation Fund, you would be well-advised to seek professional assistance to ensure that the requirements for COIDA compliance are met at all times.