Author Archive for: ADMIN
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Entries by ADMIN
Directors: Be Careful, You Will Be Held More Accountable In 2020
/0 Comments/in News/by ADMINThe past few years have seen scandals emerging in both the private and public sectors. Steinhoff, State Capture, Eskom, the Guptas and Bosasa, to name a few, have revealed how endemic corruption has become in South Africa. The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) is now beginning to charge those who have been involved in these scandals. […]
Take Advantage of the Venture Capital Company Allowance While You Can
/0 Comments/in News/by ADMINSmall and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have limited access to capital markets. As SMEs are considered to be the cheapest and most cost-effective sector in creating jobs, the Revenue authorities sought to address this by creating an attractive allowance for Venture Capital Companies (VCC) in 2009. The VCC allowance gave a massive boost to venture capital […]
Lying About Qualifications – Prison Time for Employees on the Horizon
/0 Comments/in News/by ADMINAn issue that has been around for a while has been employees misrepresenting their qualifications to their employer. This has adverse consequences for the employer as the employee often proves incapable of doing the required job – this leads to wasted time in disciplinary hearings, dismissal and then a new recruiting cycle begins. That’s in […]
Small Businesses: How to Survive and Thrive
/0 Comments/in News/by ADMINRecent research by the University of the Western Cape on the rate of failure of small businesses makes for interesting reading and provides insights that we all really need to take on board, particularly in these hard economic times. SMMEs, their importance and their failure rates Globally 60 to 70% of jobs are found in […]
Travelling Abroad – Do You Have To Declare Your Personal Possessions On Re-Entry?
/0 Comments/in News/by ADMINThere is some confusion over whether to declare your laptops, golf clubs, iPads and other such valuables that you travel out of the country with. The answer is no you don’t have to declare these items, but you do have to carry with you proof of purchase in South Africa of these goods and show […]
How To Detect and Dodge Financial Scams
/0 Comments/in News/by ADMINIn the USA, $40 billion is lost every year to scammers. When you consider statistics suggesting that 65% of scam victims don’t report their losses (usually they are too embarrassed to admit they have been conned), as much as $120 billion could annually be skimmed from gullible people. Scammers normally target people who are financially […]
Employers Take Note – We Can Still Learn From the Peter Principle
/0 Comments/in News/by ADMINThe ‘Peter Principle’ has been around for nearly fifty years. Recent research has underlined that it is still valid today. It has implications for how we promote staff and the effects this has on our business. What is it? “Peter Principle, n. – The theory that employees within an organisation will advance to their […]
What Will The Next Decade Bring Us?
/0 Comments/in News/by ADMINThe major global trends that have recently emerged and are widely predicted to continue to dominate the world are: A rising tide of nationalism and anger at the status quo which manifests itself in trying to stop immigration into Western Europe and the United States, an increasing move away from free trade and more and […]
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